Meet Paul.
My role is to work alongside the Milton Keynes police custody suite targeting 18–25 year olds that have been arrested for violence or drug related offences. It’s a confidential service which aims to assist everyone who wishes to break the criminal cycle and attempt to lead a crime free lifestyle. We can discuss ambitions and hopes as well as looking at referrals and methods to get you doing something positive.
As well as this, I work in local prisons delivering sport initiatives and knife crime workshops. I also network with local multi agencies and sports clubs to build working relationships.
If you would like assistance in making
positive choices and changes in your life.
Call or Text Paul on 07595280614
Recent work

October 2022
Knife Angel
This was my first project since starting the role in October 2022. SET delivered knife crime workshops to 1,700 students over December. We had many schools and clubs visit the knife angel at Stadium MK. They received a stadium pitch side tour, a meet and greet with First Team players and participated in the knife crime workshop.
We signed over a thousand youngsters to become anti violence ambassadors! This was a pledge to denounce violence and knife crime within the MK community. We are still associated with the schools and clubs reviewing projects that youngsters are producing denouncing violence.
January 2023
Flitwick Eagles U12
On Friday 6th January, our last knife crime workshop was delivered! The players from Flitwick Eagles U12 girls attended Stadium MK and the knife angel. The girls sat in the MK Dons home dugouts and completed the knife crime workshop to receive their anti-violence ambassador certificates!

December 2022
Bedford Prison
On Thursday 22nd December we were invited to deliver our knife crime workshop in HMP Bedford. Bedford is a category B local prison that serves the courts of Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire.
We entered the young offender unit that accommodates young men aged 18-21 years of age. We had 13 participants who all completed the workshop, some of the participants shared that they had carried knifes in public and had committed knife related offences. The delivery was well received by both the attendees and prison management that also attended.
May 15th - 19th 2023
HMP Springhill
May is national knife crime awareness week. Paul attended a public event in Bletchley town centre with Thames Valley police. This was raising awareness to members of the public on knife crime. A lot of interaction and interest was received from those that stopped and spoke.

March 2022
HMP Springhill
In January 2023, MK Dons SET delivered an FA Level One Qualification course to inmates at HMP Springhill.
The course was delivered in conjunction with the Twinning Project, a prison charity that provides offenders and opportunity to access a football coaching qualification.
All 13 participants graduated with an FA Level One Qualification in March 2023
January 2023
Bleed Kits
In early 2023, I applied for funding through the MOTO Foundation charity and local initiative scheme. MK Dons SET were granted the funding of £1000 allowing us to purchase and distribute ten Bleed Kits for the communities of Milton Keynes.
Bleed Kits contain lifesaving equipment to administer basic first aid whilst emergency services are in response.